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Rackspace is one of the best web hosting solutions you can rely on. Rackspace offers a fully managed cloud hosting solution and dedicated server plans. If you are in search of a single-tenant, fully-managed hosting environment, Rackspace’s dedicated hosting would be the best plan for you. You can choose either Windows or Linux as per your preference Rackspace offers two service levels-
  • Managed and
  • Intensive.
The intensive service level allows customers to manage the servers on their own. The unmatched performance is what makes Rackspace more preferable among people. High-level security, specific storage options, and 24/7 dedicated support team are other advantages of choosing Rackspace. We help you choose the right Rackspace plan for your business and manage it for the best results. Our experts at Meridian Solutions Inc are very familiar and skilled in Rackspace web server management.

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